Link Internasional Abc Slot

Agri-Business Capital (ABC) Fund

Investing in smallholder farmers and small-to-medium sized rural agribusinesses (SMEs) and Financial Intermediaries in developing countries to support sustainable and inclusive agricultural value chains.

‘We know of no foreign involvement’: Alejandro Mayorkas on drone sightings

Federal response to drone sightings sparks bipartisan backlash

Post-Assad Syria begins to take shape after 50-year reign ends

Luigi Mangione hires high-profile New York defense lawyer

US obesity rates drop for 1st time in a decade, study shows

Showdown between Detroit Lions and Buffalo Bills is potential Super Bowl preview

Trump attends annual Army-Navy football game

Calls for action over drone sightings in the Northeast

Several injured after rare tornado in California

Thousands celebrate in Seoul after South Korean president impeached

Federal Reserve considers another cut to interest rates

Top diplomats from US and Middle East gather to discuss Syria

3 women found dead inside of Ohio home

Growing concern over mysterious drone sightings

Holiday cheer at Philadelphia’s annual Jingle Bell Run